You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "The green hill house"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: mobile: Please use the #%id to identify the property "Charming village house"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: mobile: Please use the #%id to identify the property "La casa di famiglia"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "Lina’s apartment"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "La casa di Franca"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "La casa delle querce"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "150-year-old farmhouse with olive trees"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "The houses of Angela: ready to be inhabited."
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "La casa degli Archi"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "La casa delle Arance"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "Cosy home close to the sea"
You can contact Monica Verrocchio via phone: +39 347 0848613 mobile: +39 347 0848613 Please use the #%id to identify the property "Family Apartment for beach town living"
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