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How to build your high energy saving house in Italy’s seismic-risk-areas

Posted by Monica Verrocchio on Luglio 31, 2023

You cannot find your perfect house in Abruzzo? You could purchase a plot in the perfect position and build your dream house. Here are some points of importance when you want to build a sustainable, intelligent and complete – safe home in Italy: As known, Italy is full of stringent building approvals and regulations, the building laws are complicate. If you want to organize your team by yourself, you’ll need a deep knowledge of Italian law and a lot of experience working with building companies and contractors.

So… it’s much more simple and faster to build a modern wooden house with one of the Italian most famous wood-building companies, because they can offer you a turnkey-service, the prices are much lower and the construction time is much shorter in relation to a traditional building. Wood can be used for construction in the classic Italian style, contemporary or minimal style. You can design your house by your own architect, it will be engineered and realized by the company. Your house will be in harmony with the territorial context, it will use clean and renewable energy and it will be anti-seismic and anti-damage.

Certified wood houses do not suffer any damage, they will protect you in case of an earthquake. How to find the right building plot? Unspoiled Italy Houses offers a variety of building plots in the most suitable locations in Abruzzo. We already controlled what house size can be build, and had investigated the presence of any restrictions related to zoning and urban planning. You can rely on Monica’s legal knowledge of Italian building laws. She will help you to realize your dream of living in Italy with confidence.

If you need further information, please contact the certified real estate agent and experienced property lawyer Monica Verrocchio by email: info@uih.sale

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